DB37 Cables

DB37 Cables (micro KEYER III,  MK2R+)

Note: Wires color may not be same in diagrams as in your cable!
Note: On connectors watch pin numbers, not physical orientation!

RJ45 - Foster8 microphone adapter is in all cable sets wired same.
Adapter is straight, pin1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2, 3 to 3 up to pin 8 to pin 8.

DB37-AL-100 cable
For ANAN 100x, 200x



DB37-EL-K23 cable
For K2/100

DB37-EL-K3R cable
For K3


DB37-FX-5000 cable
For Flex 5000 A/C

DB37-FX-6000 cable
For Flex 6000 Signature Series 6300, 6500, 6700


DB37-IC-8 cable
For IC-707, 725, 726, 728, 729, 735, 736, 737, 738, 746, 746Pro, 7400, 756, 756/Pro/ProII/ProIII, 7600, 761,
775, 7700, 7800, 7851, 781, 910, 7700, 9700

DB37-IC-13 cable
For IC-703, 706/mkII/mkIIG, 7000

DB37-IC-599 cable
For IC-703, 706/mkII/mkIIG, 7000 with OPC-599 adapter

DB37-IC-718 cable
For IC-718, 78, 7410, 7200, 7300, 9100

DB37-IC-RS8 cable
For Icom radio with micro BAND DECODER


DB37-JST-245 cable
For JST-245


DB37-TS-6 cable
For TS-140, 440, 450, 680, 690, 711, 790, 811, 850, 940, 950
TS-140, TS-680 - requires Kenwood IF-10C
TS-711, TS-811 - requires Kenwood IF-10A

TS-940 - requires Kenwood IF-10B

DB37-TS-9 cable 
For TS-570/S/D, 590, 870/S, 2000/X/B

DB37-TS-MINI6 cable 
For TS-480HX/SAT

DB37-TS-990 cable
For TS-990S

DB37-TS-9M cable
For Kenwood radio with micro BAND DECODER or Piexx Interface


DB37-TT-OR cable 
For TT-Orion

DB37-TT-OR2 cable 
For TT-Orion II

DB37-TT-JPA cable 
For TT-Jupiter TT-Pegasus TT-Argonaut V

DB37-TT-OMV cable
For TT-Omni V

DB37-TT-OM cable 
For TT-Omni VI

DB37-TT-OM7 cable 
For TT-Omni VII


DB37-FT-MINI8 cable 
For FT-817, 818, 857/D, 897/D

DB37-FT-450 cable 
For FT-450, FT-991

DB37-FT-757 cable 
For FT-757GXII only (not FT-757GX)

DB37-FT-767 cable 
For FT-767

DB37-FT-840 cable 
For FT-840

DB37-FT-847 cable 
For FT-847

DB37-FT-890 cable 
For FT-890

DB37-FT-900 cable 
For FT-900

DB37-FT-920 cable 
For FT-920

DB37-FT-950 cable 
For FT-950, FTDX-3000

DB37-FT-990 cable 
For FT-990
FT-990 must have ROM v1.3

DB37-FT-1000D cable
For FT-1000/D
FT-1000 and FT1000D must have ROM v6.0

DB37-FT-1000MP cable 
For FT-1000MP/mkV/mkVField

DB37-FT-101 cable 
For FT-101D/MP

DB37-FT-2000 cable 
For FT-2000/D, FTDX-5000/D/MP

DB37-FT-9000 cable
For FTDX-9000D/MP/C